yoga + movement

Our signature Class.

This is a standard sequence that begins with an awakening series leading into a beautifully bold vinyasa flow. Partnered with the movement, the environment is created for the mover to push themselves through challenge with breath(pranayama). True meditation exists within the motion. The flow presents challenges to the students as opportunities to experience the truth of the body and its connection to mind and spirit.

This is an exhilarating flow for a free life.

beginner BASIC

Experience our signature cocomotion sequencing at a slower pace, so you can build a solid foundation with healthy alignment and breath awareness. Personal attention, modifications, and use of props make this class perfect for both beginners and seasoned practitioners seeking more knowledge and precision!

Recommended for newer yogis as preparation for our Open level classes.

align + FLOW

This foundational vinyasa class is designed to focus on body mechanics with postures that build strength, balance and breath. Let the Movement be medicine! Nurture your spirit with the positive awareness and dynamic energy of this alignment focused flow!

This is an ideal class for beginners as well as anyone seeking to fine tune their asana (Pose) practice.


A little Yin to compliment the Yang of our Flow! This unique class is inspired by our traditional vinyasa flow infused with intense, longer stretches to encourage deep isolations and meditation. We take intervals from our signature practice to encourage cardiovascular strength with the addition of slower, longer held stretching towards the end of class. The combination strengthens and opens the body to create deep flexibility and understanding of the practice. Ideal for beginners learning the movement and those looking to fine tune their skills.

low & S L O W MOTION

Experience a relaxed flow of passive stretching. We go into a slow variation of low, grounding poses for about 5 minutes each, using blocks and bolsters to ease gently into the form. Light massage and essential oils add to an amazing zen way to begin your day

flow into ZEN

Rest, restore and renew with relaxed yoga poses using bolsters, blocks and blankets, and light massage with essential oils. The last 30 minutes of our practice we will be guided through a yoga nidra meditation. One hour of restorative yoga is equivalent to 3 hours of sleep. You will flow right into a zen experience. No yoga or meditation experience necessary.

tribal DANCE

This class will infuse our traditional asana (poses) with tribal dance movement. Our intention is to channel the energy of joyful, divine play known as “Lila”. The music and movement will combine Indian fusion beats and Bhakti Mantras to help raise and balance the vibration of the chakra system. Through focused movement mixing afro beats, soca, Spanish and reggaeton rhythms we will awaken a higher vibration within. Shake off the week with our Lila Happy Hour!

little OHMIES

KIDS in Motion! This is a play based class for our tiniest yogi's. Our extraordinary Flow Team will take our Kids in Motion on a fun filled yoga journey expanding their confidence, strength and balance through flow and movement. Through music, games and stories we teach kids how breathing and moving connect to creating calm and relaxed energy. Let them play, jump, laugh and flow!

10 class card: $150
Monthly unlimited (autopay): $90
1 Month unlimited: $100
Student monthly unlimited (autopay): $75
Student 1 month unlimited: $85
Drop in class: $20